GDPR Data Protection

European General Data Protection Regulation

Who are we ?
Our website is: .

Contact information and use of personal data

Personal data collected
The information collected via our forms is recorded in a computerized file by NanoSources for purchasing management, customer relations, as well as the study and offer of the solutions sought.

  • Shelf life : 4 years
  • Recipients : Suppliers, chemists, commercial and technical services, mainly established in the European Union, but potentially outside it.

In accordance with the "Informatique et Libertés" law, you have the right to access and rectify data concerning you. To exercise this right, contact us at the following address: NanoSources SARL , E-mail: .

To protect yourself against telephone canvassing, you can register on the "Bloctel" opt-out list by following this link: .

Personal data processed outside the European Union

NanoSources SARL uses IT resources to manage purchases, customer relations, and the study of personalized solutions. This information is reserved for the departments concerned and may be transmitted to the following recipients:

  • Projects and solutions : Distributors outside the European Union, suppliers similar to NanoSources , potential customers, or industries involved in ongoing projects.

Data transmitted :

  • Name, first name, professional or personal contact details, and linking information for projects, studies, or R&D work.

Purpose of the transmission :

  • Solution management, purchasing and sales.

Data protection :
Appropriate safeguards are in place to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data transferred outside the European Union.

In accordance with the amended "Information Technology and Freedoms" law of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify your data.

To exercise this right, please contact us at the following address:
NanoSources SARL , E-mail: .